Sobre "Life clicks"

Cuando me planteé crear un fotoblog pretendía dar rienda suelta a mis necesidades “creativas” que en mi profesión no puedo desarrollar y pensé que la mejor manera sería centrándome en lo que más feliz me hace y mejor se me da hacer, mi faceta como madre. Así nace “Life clicks”, para ser el empujón que necesito para crecer como fotógrafa y como persona.

Este proyecto tiene la intención de documentar el día a día de la vida de mis hijos, mi familia y todo aquel que quiera con fotografías de “la vida real”. Pretendo encontrar la belleza en las cosas cotidianas y que cada imagen cuente una historia. Siempre solemos hacer fotografías en cumpleaños, navidades o fechas señaladas pero en cambio no prestamos atención a los momentos cotidianos que suelen pasar desapercibidos y son los primeros que se olvidan. Es en estos momentos de relajación donde puedo ver a mis hijos tal y como son, siendo realmente ellos mismos. Éstos son los detalles que quiero recordar. Quiero que cuando mis hijos sean mayores y vean las fotos de su infancia les hagan recordar su vida en todos los sentidos, y que se vean en las fotos tal y como son, y es que así los quiero, tal y como son..

About "Life clicks"

When I first thought about creating my photoblog, my aim was to have an scapeway and find a way to release my creativity, which otherwise does not have a chance to be expressed through my current profession. I thought about the best way to do so and realized that what makes me the happiest in life is also what I am best at, and that is my role as a mother. So I decided to focus on that facet of my life as the motivation to create "life clicks" as an area to grow in my personal life and in the field of Photography. 
This project was born then to document the day to day life of my family and children with "real life" instants. With the aim in finding beauty in the daily events and having each picture tell the story. It is very common to take pictures during family events and celebrations such as, birthdays, christmas or other particular dates. However, is these magic moments during our daily routine that we tend not to pay so much attention to and that on a day to day bases tend to go unnoticed and are quickly forgotten. 
During the calm moments of relaxation I get to enjoy with my family, is when I can get to see my children just as they are, at ease in their home environment, where they can truly be themselves. And these  are the details that make life special and I want to remember always. My children will be able to look back at these pictures and see their childhood just as it was, and see themselves and their genuinity, just as they were in each phase of their lives, which is in essence, how I want them to be and how I love them, just as they are! 

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”Disfruta de las pequeñas cosas de la vida porque algún día mirarás atrás y te darás cuenta de que eran grandes cosas….” "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."(R. Brault)